Superfoods for healthy, glowing skin
Superfoods for healthy, glowing skin
When it comes to healthy skin, it’s not always about what you put on it, what you eat matters. The good fats, antioxidants, Vitamin C, collagen, and amino acids can all have a big impact. We’re here to talk about some of the easy, accessible superfoods you can put into your diet right now that can help leave your keep your skin healthy and more radiant. The bonus is that all of the foods on this list aren’t just good for your skin – they’re great for your body, too. They’re heart healthy, high-vitamin, and full of the healthy inflammation response properties you need to establish a good, healthy diet.
So how can you make your face glow naturally?
Get your shopping list and a pencil ready because we’re about to find out.
Fatty Fish
A lot of people with occasional skin issues stay away from fatty foods. And while that line of thinking may hold true for some foods, fatty fish, especially sardines and salmon are especially good for your skin because they contain good fats, specifically omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests that these acids can help combat the effects of sun exposure as well as support healthy inflammation markers, while keeping the skin more resilient to the effects of environmental exposure.
If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, we’ve got great news for you: walnuts can provide some of the same benefits of fatty fish in a meatless form. That’s because walnuts can boast some of the most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids in the nut world. Plus, they’re a lot easier to snack on during the day than grilling up some salmon or popping open a can of sardines. This is great news because most researchers agree that around 98% of the population is omega-3 deficient.

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First, let’s get something out of the way: avocados are delicious. They go on salads, with pretty much any meal, and they even work on toast. So you have no excuse to incorporate them into your diet. And that’s great news because if you’re wondering, “which fruit is good for skin glow?” avocados are your answer. Avocados are rich in essential fats that the human body can’t produce on its own. Avocados are high in omega-3 fatty acids, the good kind of heart healthy fat, potassium and magnesium for heart health. Avocados are also known for maintaining healthy blood pressure already in a normal range. Research also points out that Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin – compounds that protect the skin from UV exposure. And did we mention how delicious they are? Read more…